September 16, 2009
One afternoon, Dangerbaby and I were
walking through the Tenderloin, we see a
man and woman crouching down, talking to a
puffy looking drunk, nearly unconscious,
nose bloodied. The couple speak to him
earnestly, trying to penetrate his chemical
shield to explain that he needs help.
Dangerbaby speculates that they must be
fresh from the Midwest, with naive
idealism still intact.
My thought was that they might be hip young
Christians associated with some place like
Glide Memorial Church...
Once I was out with a group of
friends in a park in a strange
corner of San Francisco, where Every day, thousands of
San Bruno Ave dead-ends against people barrel past this
Chavez Street and highway 101. park in their motorized
cages without knowing that
This is near the old it's there.
Survival Research Labs
location, and even further
back in time, the old
location of The Farm.
In recent years this park has been
re-landscaped, and somewhat
revitalized with the addition of
multiple playgrounds, including
a skate park.
But in those days, it was nearly
empty, the haven of a few drunks
and homeless people (a few, but not
*that* many... most likely it was A friend expressed the
very heavily policed). opinion that this park
would always go nearly
On the day that we were unused -- it was too
there, some Christian isolated, in too rough
group was holding a a neighborhood.
barbecue, inviting the
homeless and the drunks I agreed, but my take
to join them. was that the problem
was the heavy car
One of our group was traffic on two sides.
seriously annoyed by
these people: Eveyone always wants
"goddamn religious to be able to drive
fanatics, why don't right to where
they mind their own they're going, but
business?" they don't want
there to be any
It's not often you run other cars around
into more hard-core when they get there.
atheists than I am,
but they're around... As it turns out, we
were both wrong:
My attitude: surprise this park is getting
at seeing some a lot of use from
Christians out there the local kids now.
actually walking the I think that the key
walk. addition was the
skate bowl.
There's a paucity of
places where skaters
are allowed to get
Xtreme, and they're
willing to put up
with a somewhat
We born-again rough, grubby
New Urbanists neighborhood with
need to watch traffic noise.
out for our
dogmatism, too. They're a logical
community to use
as an anchor, to
increase foot
traffic to the
point where other
kids feel safe.