May 3, 2018
In a recent discussion on reddit of the rather
dubious concept of "cultural appropriation", CHEONGSAM_RED
someone brought up a case I hadn't heard of before.
The story goes: a white girl decided
to wear a traditional Chinese dress Whether this is a *true*
(a cheongsam) to the prom, and found story, related accurately,
herself under attack for "cultural I don't really know.
I've heard various details,
This is the what I hear in this story: none of which I would trust,
but you can play them through
A young woman tries to think creatively your mind if you like and
and come up with something to wear to the see how they change your
prom outside of the usual, standard impressions:
dresses: so rather than follow the
western tradition, she goes with a o the dress was purchased
traditional dress from another culture. used at a thrift store
Some, incensed at her attempt at being
different, reach for any popular excuse o cheongsam are worn
to declare that this is *bad* and comes at formal events, and
up with "cultural appropriation". Her wearing one to a prom is
reward for her attempt at creativity is appropriate.
that joy of the modern era, an internet
brigade pack attack. After which the o the cheongsam was not
brigade no doubt declared victory, but originally Han, but
the benefit gained escapes me. adopted from the Manchu;
the tight waistline is
a western influence.
o the complaint was issued
later on the net by one
o the person (or persons)
who complained identify
as Chinese.
o many people who identify
as Chinese don't see any
You can imagine different
o the young woman has a
deep interest in Chinese
If you step up as a defender of a culture,
criticizing outsiders who try to get If not, you're open to a
involved with it, you'd better qualify as charge of hypocrisy,
a member of that culture yourself. "appropriating" a culture
so you can play white
If you're trying to make a move like "No knight, defending it from
one but a Real Chinese person has the appropriation.
right to wear that!", it looks pretty
silly if you have trouble finding Chinese
people who agree with you.
The next question would be whether even
someone who is clearly a member of a culture You'd need something like
has the right to act as a gate-keeper and surveys of the group to see
declare who is allowed to get involved with if a particular individual
it. Who gets to stand in judgment over whether is anything like
someone is doing a culture right? representative of that
group. These are not
Consider the case of a group of Americans who typically elected positions.
decides they are True Americans and start
trying to dictate how other people should
behave in order to show respect to America.
Actually no one objects to anyone wearing
Western dress no matter what their ethnic
background might be-- that's just regarded
as Normal, the default behavior everyone
is expected to conform to.
If you want to tell me that, for example rich
kids dressing like skater thrashers is dorky,
stupid, tasteless, annoying, etc, you are
unlikely to get much argument from me.
The problem is when someone tries to call it a
great crime, and howls in indignation, and
declares it's obviously a sign of classicism,
or what not.