October 10, 2016
I sneer and roll my eyes (and exaggerate)
at the spectacle of kids who have totally
internalized Hollywood culture, who feel
that there's something critically
significant about every little cynical,
compromised money-grubbing move made
by the industry...
This entire phenomena of millennial
kids babbling into video cameras and I mean, self-indulgent,
posting the result online seems self-important lecturing
pretty peculiar to me, I have to that no one is really going
say. Is there some reason you don't to care about? What are
just want to write it down? Written they doing on my lawn?
text is a lot friendlier to the
audience: it's much easier to search
or skim.
But maybe it's significant that they want to do
videos about Hollywood. It's as though
they're trying to write themselves into the scene;
they want to be players in that world, so they act
like they're in that world, and not at the bottom
and off to the side of a deep, wide hierarchy in
which they matter little.
"You've got to listen to the fans!"
You know, the industry presumably
makes some effort to pay attention
to box office, so almost by
definition they're obsessed with For one thing, it could be that
popularity, and if they're you're not really representative
choosing to ignore The Fans, it of the audience. Who appointed
could be because they've got good you spokesman for The Fans?
Or it could be that the industry doesn't have any
good reasons, and none of them know what they're
doing, and they live their lives in a state of
barely concealed panic, desperately trying to
convince everyone that they really know what
they're doing, when the nature of the business
is that they can't possibly know.
And following the moves of these people,
obsessing over every single marketing
decision like it's an affront to your
personal religion...
What sense does this make?
Just make your own damn
culture already.
Find something to care
about that cares about you.