July 26, 2020


  This routine, for those of
  you who've miraculously
  avoided this, is to behave in
  a threatening manner without
  actually making any threats,
  and to do your best to provoke
  a fight without actually being
  the guy to strike first.


  If you're completely, stubbornly obstinate about
  this, and continually repeat yourself in blunt
  impatient tones, preferably in a way that                   I try to explain
  <i>implies</i> they must be idiots (without acutally        this clearly
  saying so), you may be able to provoke them into            here, but don't
  some frustrated ranting-- after a couple of                 succeed:
  cycles of this it's time to call in the
  moderators: every moderator at wikipedia has a                 DISTANT_GALLERY
  talent for the obvious, and they are guaranteed
  to see only the flamer and not the flamebait.               This does a better
                                                              job, though not
These are both the same tactics:
ride 'em till they crack,                                         BEAT_PATROL
then blame them for it.

                                         Were this a Memex
                                         I'd be creating       If this was
                                         a connecting link     Xanadu, the
                                         between two points    link would be
                                         on the microfilm.     between two
                                                               ranges, two
                                                               chunks of text.

                                         This being the doomfiles, implemented
                                         on the web, I considered dropping in
                                         links in two points, cross-referencing
                                         and letting the reader figure why.

                                               (I know how to use internal
                                               web links, but browsers have
                                               never supported them well,
                                               so I've given up on them.)
