January 22, 2007

My partner of 12
years and counting,    DANGER
goes by the handle
of "Dangerbaby" on         Her old posse used to
the rare occasions         call themselves "The
when she uses a            Dangerbabies", naming     Perhaps more
handle at all.             themselves after some     properly then,
                           sidewalk graffiti out     she should be
Her Real Name is not       near the end of the N     known as "The
exactly a secret,          line.                     Last of the
but on the general                                   Dangerbabies".
principle that you
shouldn't use a real
name without            I could of course,
permission, I tend      just ask permission,
to call her             but getting informed
"Dangerbaby" when       consent could be
talking about things    tricky -- she doesn't
out on the net.         inhabit the same           And anyway, it
                        on-line forums that I      gives me an
                        do, and doesn't            excuse to do a
                        typically know what        Dan Leone
                        I'm saying, or why I       imitation.
                        might want to say
                        something about her...        CASTING

                    (Aug 18, 2013)
    Actually, of late she's started
    using the handle "Anime West".
    I might have to revise my habits.
