July 07-11, 2006


Consider a problem with
"The Shadow" film of 1994:                  Written:  David Koepp
                                            Directed: Russell Mulcahy
The plot seemed way too
much like a "Star Wars"

        "Join me Luke,
        and turn to the
        Dark Side".

Why is that example
of gross imitation        Part of the trouble,
an irritation?            no doubt, is the
                          Star Wars parallel          Watching another
What could be done        still seemed too fresh.     decade later, I
with that material                                    find it much less
to salvage it?                                        disturbing.

                                                               My advice to
                                                               young authors:
 At a guess: take the material                                 read widely,
 seriously, and add some small,                                and let thy
 slight notion, something                                      plagiarism
 missing from the original (or                                 become harder
 "original") treatment.                                        to detect.

     Like what?                                                (Can't remember
                                                               who I stole
     Well... the "Star Wars" bit                               that from...)
     doesn't seem to take very
     seriously the idea that
     "the Dark Side" might have       It might seem silly to
     real tactical advantages,        call for a precise
     at least under some              definition of "the Dark      But what
     circumstances.                   Side".  By example, we're    is it that
                                      shown that it involves       makes the
                                      the embrace of cruelty,      Light side
                                      mass murder, and dark        all that
                                      clothing.                    light?

                                                                   up a death
                                                                   star is
       Let's think about it:                                       okay,
       The Shadow is a vigilante,                                  right?
       an anarchist: this is a
       fantasy that arose when                              So the rule is
       it seemed that gangsterism                           something like
       was out of control, beyond                           self-defense,
       the reach of government.                             force-in-reaction,
                                                            is justified.
       A typical Shadow-fan could have
       been a store keeper squeezed by                  Consider the
       a protection racket, or a                        possibility that
       construction worker disgusted by                 the Death Star
       the abuses in the trade, but too                 was carrying some
       scared to say anything about it.                 innocents, e.g.
                                                        some prisoners.
           These people might very well
           fantasize about returning                 Their deaths
           at night cloaked in black                 were then justified
           with automatics blazing.                  by some sort of
           Any reservations about                    expediency, right?
           the ultimate long term
           repercussions of relying              Speed is not only of
           on vigilantism to keep                concern to the lazy.
           order can pale in the                 Sometimes speed is
           light of that immediate               crucial, even for the
           feeling of powerlessness.             righteous.

                                          We're getting near
                                          Dershowitz and his
                                          contrived justification
                                          for torture.  You
               One button you could       could play with that:
               press would be to
               attempt to do what         The Shadow looks for
               was tried with the         an alternative under
               "V for Vendetta"           fire, and hence is the
               film:                      goodest of good guys.

               Lean on present fears,          Or gooder than
               come up with a present          Dershowitz, anyway.
               day analog of the 1930s
               fear of organized crime.

               Raise a suggestion
               that the American
               republic has collapsed.

                   Instead of a yellow
                   peril then, the
                   plot should involve
                   tracing the conspiracy
                   up the chain,
                   rooting out the
                   bad guys that have
                   infested the system.

                      My vote would be
                      a scheme for rigging
