January 15, 2004
Quoting from
"Doom on the Hill" (1934)
by Maxwell Grant:
"The Shadow's tiny
flashlight glimmered ... "
"From then on, The Shadow's
course was untraceable, It's oddly disturbing
save for the glare of his that the Shadow needs
flashlight when it reappeared" a flashlight to see in
the dark.
"The master of darkness had listened
in on the sheriff's conversation. He
was here to examine the death
gun. His left hand arranged the
flashlight on the desk; his right
glove slid clear of his
hand. Producing a sheet of paper,
The Shadow began to make notations
in bluish ink."
"Written thoughts that
faded as the ink dried."
"The Shadow had bided his time
throughout the day; now, with
darkness his habitation, the master
of the night was ready to resume."
"A whispered laugh stirred up
vague echoes. That throbbing mirth
was foreboding. Before this night
was ended, The Shadow would produce
evidence that others had failed to
"The Shadow had listened. He had
made his deductions. Forgetting
nothing in the past or present, the
unseen investigator blended with
the night."
"Doom on the Hill" was originally published in
"The Shadow Magazine," November 15, 1934