I've been asked to support what
I'm saying, so here's some
data for a few different cases:  SLUT, WHORE, PERM

      What kind of
      data would
      be acceptable?

Say I go out on a date with a woman.
Things seem like they're going well
at first, then for some reason thing's
aren't.  I think back and say "Ah, it          One of the fun things about the
must be that remark about gun control."        game is that you're not allowed
or "Hmm.  Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned     to ask why you lost.
I drive a '78 Toyota."  I could be
right... or it could be a rationalization.          Not that I think anyone
                                                    could *really* tell you,
       I trust other people's anecdotes             even if they wanted to try.
       more than mine, but there's no
       reason not to suspect them also.

Should I scan the pages of
Psychology Today for a "study" that
claims to show something using
surveys of what people want to
believe is true about themselves?

                                I think you gotta watch what people
And somehow I don't hold        do more than listen to what they say.
much more hope for psych
experiments with people                  "Girls just want to have fun." But
in artificial situations                 somehow they have more fun with guys
trying to peer through                   with more money.
the double blinds to get
at the correct response.                 Women may just want a "good husband"
                                         to help raise kids... but that also
                                         translates into someone with money.
