How do I know the
whore" phenomena
is real? Could it
be just a
Impersonal experience: Personal experience:
Some comments from women I know, An ex-girlfriend, very proud
"All my friends chase after guys with that her new boy friend made
nice cars, but if they don't have the more money than I did.
money to go with them they drop them
fast." A woman who insisted on her
place over mine, comparing
"Women are more materialistic than men my room to a tree house in
are." Calvin and Hobbes.
"I've only been in love twice, and both A girlfriend who insisted
times the guy was rich, and I'm not sure that I leave grad school
I would have been in love with them if and make money or else
they weren't rich." she would leave me.
((I can expand this list more, I'm sure...
There are many small things that could be added --
watching the things women are impressed by, the things they reject.))
(I'm not the first person to equate marriage with
a kind of legalized prostitution, but I can't
remember where I've seen it done before.
George Bernard Shaw? Simone de Beauvoir? FREE_LOVE
H.G. Wells, for all I know...
one of these days I'll read up on it...)