July 2, 2008

I propose to study the
"deceptive character" motif.

One such mode is the
"secret identity" ala the
Scarlet Pimpernel.               It can be played the
                                 other way: the character
   The surface is weak,          seems dangerous, but is
   the core is strong.           really a nice guy.

                                       The surface is hard,
                                       but the core is soft.


                                           A common theme:
   Concealed villainy is                   softness is strength,
   also common:                            the drive to be hard
                                           is a weakness.
      The surface is good,
      the core is evil.

   This is a prerequisite for the
   mystery genre form, but it's        TARTUFFE           The sort of thing
   origins are much older.                                that falls out of
                                                          that mathmatics of
                                                          strategy, I would
      The surface and the
      core must differ, but                                    TITFORTAT
      the nature of the
      difference can vary.                                Note that "deception"
                                                          is a biological
                                                          strategy arrived at
      The disguise may be intentional,                    in nature.  The
      or it may be an accident of                         moth that looks like
      character -- or a flaw in the      Prejudice        a leaf to avoid
      observer's understanding of        invites an       being eaten, the
      character.                         assumption       non-poisonous snake
                                         of evil,         that mimics a
        In the case of John Le           where the        poisonous variety.
        Carre's "Smiley", the            core is
        character understands his        good.                 Like a burglar
        appearence is meek, and so                             alarm decal
        exploits it consciously:                               without the
        "cover is what you are".                               alarm.

        But he is a "deep one",
        with more to him than             The difference must
        meets the eye.                    concern a valued
                                          quality: the difference
                                          must make a difference.

                                             The rich man that
                                             passes as poor.

                                                The poor man
                                                passing as rich.
