January 9, 2019
A common Korean drama plot-twist device:
someone is hit by a car while crossing
the street. Typically, this is because Whenever anyone steps near
they're distracted because they're so the street, my partner and
overwhelmed by emotion. I start shouting
"Noooo, don't do it!"
I've been wondering lately why
crashes while driving a car In a way it's kind of cool
seem so much less common. that they keep hammering
away at the idea that bad
Possibly just a budget thing-- things are all the result
vehicular damage is a lot more of cars, but that really
expensive to fake than just doesn't seem to be their
squirting some red goop on angle.
the actor.
I might try the
But it could encourage a motif where
feeling that there's everything bad Too bad
something horribly dangerous results from Samsung
about being a pedestrian-- cellphones. sponsors
once you step inside that most of
metal cage, you are *safe*. Combining the these
car crash motif shows.
with the
cellphone one
would be easy
enough-- in fact
its pretty
If you ever happen to encounter a realistic.
story where people's lives are
ruined by cars and cellphones and
a guy on a bicycle saves the day,
the odds are be good you're
looking at my work.