September 20, 2006
The plan for the following outline is:
(1) (2)
Fill in connecting Expand on points
material on the in right column,
left side. link to further
Why do double meanings
register as complex;
and puns register as
What's the difference?
Don't both exploit flaws FRACTURED_WORDS
in the language?
One works with sounds,
The appeal of word-play, the other meanings.
seems like a mental game... Is that the only idea?
Much like: So, formal poetry
should receive no
more respect than
The inference of context puns, correct?
from sparse evidence.
But: why not say
it directly?
But there's no question:
Mona Caron's work is greater
than Chris Carlson's.
A gross divergence between
where I arrive by theory
and by experience: Working
from theory to experience
is then a flawed path?
Consider Burning Man art:
Popular. Effective.
But if I *think* about it,
it seems dissapointing. CRITIC_OF_THE_BURN
A flaw in the art, or
in the thought?
My gut-level guess: you
should try to work on Based on my
both levels. experience
of thought.
And achieve a
double meaning.