March 15, 2013
March 21, 2013
May 7, 2013
While reading scanlations of "Skip Beat"
chapter 198, in which Kyoko worries what
everyone thinks of Ren's hickey: SKIP_BEAT
This long Cain Heel arc is tedious because Kyoko
is thrust into an entirely passive role where
her function is to just "be there", while Ren
works through his existential problems.
In fact, this situation has striking parallels with
the initial situation she was in with Sho: she's
playing the support role, taking care of a man she's
living with at close quarters (but not, of course,
The structure of Skip Beat uses the form of the
shoujo romance, (giving the ex-boyfriend his
comeuppence by switching to an even higher status
male), but what it's actually about is getting away
from just living for a man: Kyoko demonstrates an
independant ability, and stops being "boring", she
begins to become famous in her own right.
And now here with the Heels, we're
stuck in Ren-x-Kyoko land-- what's
happening with "Box R"? What is
Kyoko's next role going to be? What
possible "acting challenge" can she (Though maybe that's not really all
go up against next? She's got Setsu that well-- the only action here is
down well-enough. mental action as Kyoko keeps thinking
to herself about what's going on and
then has to remind herself she's
Setsu... what happened to her ability
to become someone else, to call down
another soul?).
I want to see things like:
Michael Cain appearing on Bridge
Rock, accompanied by Setsu...
when she realizes she's wanted as Another director
Setsu, she has to call in sick to visiting the set
cancel appearing as Bo. Ren is is impressed by
relieved that even "Bo" doesn't Setsu's look, and
seem to recognize him in his Cain wants to hire her
identity. for her "debut"
as an actress,
One of the Bridge Rock without realizing
crew sees her from who she is.
behind and calls out
"Kyoko?", only to be
rudely upbraided by
"Setsu", who wants to Kyoko gets tired of doing
know who this Kyoko passive support work when no
is everyone is confusing one will even tell her what's
her with. really going on, and walks of
the job in cold anger-- she's
got other things to do with
her life than taking care of
yet-another-confused male.
(Nov 12, 2014)
But Japanese Shoujo has
trouble with assertive
females doing a direct
They finish this
"Heel siblings" business
without any sort of
push-back from Kyoko.
Ren gives her high marks
for her service. Yay,
happy day.