October 24, 2009
September 17, 2010
January 26, 2014
Stieg Larsson, "The Girl with From material originally
the Dragon Tattoo" (2005) posted to alt.gothic.
Though this book was published in 2005, it has a young
heroine who would be well at home in an early cyberpunk
novel, though I think in this case she's a little better
characterized than the Neuromancer-era William Gibson
would've managed.
She's a small young woman covered with tattoos, somewhat
anti-social, a "difficult" person who is legally insane
on a technicality (or perhaps, a little more than a
technicality?), but for all that quite brilliant at the
profession she's fallen into, which is doing background
checks on people that a large corporation has become
interested in.
This is somewhere between a serious
character study and super-hero
fiction, I would say, but eminently
readable... and I'll probably get And indeed I did, though I
around to reading the two following took my time about the third,
novels in the series since it took it's time about
doing a paperback appearence...
But those two is all that there are
going to be: the author apparently The later volumes get
turned in his three manuscripts and increasingly pulpy, as
promptly died before any of them our heroine becomes
were published. extremely rich
(stealing from a dead
The author lived in, villain), and is
and set his novel in depicted as an *extreme*
Sweden: genius, coming up with
a more elegant solution
Local color is always at least half to Fermats Last Theorem
the point of mystery/suspense in her spare time (and
fiction. (Unlike Science Fiction, then forgetting the
where it's the whole point.) solution).
I've seen one of the film Two things
versions based on this-- about this kind CASTLE_SKULL
the American one, which of fiction:
for once did a good job
on casting the female (1) The real trick is to
actress: the Swedish get the reader to *buy*
version seems too cute to these extreme absurdities.
me, not serious enough. Our heroine storms in the
door with a boxing
champion in tow to rescue
The film version works a damsel in distress, and
well enough, but that *doesn't* seem
elides too many completely ridiculous.
personal details, and
I think it may confuse (2) I suspect that this kind of
viewers who haven't thing improves greatly on
read the book. re-reading once you know more
or less what's going to
Dangerbaby wondered why happen-- the eye-rollers have
the male main character lost their power to nauseate,
would go back to his and you can look to enjoy what
affair with his editor there is to be enjoyed...
and drop our heroine,
who was obviously a How does this square with
better pick... I the doctrines of suspense
realized she didn't get and suprise twists?
what was really going
on: the heroine was CHEAP_SUSPENDERS
taking that relationship
more seriously than they
do-- The editor has a
husband who she has no
plans on leaving.