February 27, 2005
                                            March    29, 2005

In a recent dream:

Someone was
navigating a maze.                       This person may or may
                                         not have been me.  I don't
He's challenged by something             always dream in first
that he meets there.                     person.

The narration went:
"And then, the elided being              Yes, narration.  Sometimes
stood next to him."                      I do dream in prose.

        Elided being?                         It's rare for me
                                              to dream consistently
        Something like                        in prose though...
        a ghost?
                                              a given dream may
                                              slide in or out of
                                              different modes,
                                              change point-of-veiw,
                                              one character becomes
                                              someone else without

                                                       I would guess this
                                                       is typical of
  I really like the word                               dreams in general.
  "elide" and have to
  work hard at not over       Sometimes, even             DREAMS
  using it.                   elision must be

     This is of the things
     I picked up from the
     Toadkeeper... a line      TOADKEEPER
     from his piece "Mad
     Tom at the Coriscating
     Fountains" confused              (e.g. one may
     me, and I needed to learn        use ellipsis
     the word.                        to elide.)
