You've probably just done a search using C-s To go back, use C-r
(that's Control S) on the keyword EMACS. (Control r for reverse).
You might need to hit it
Here's some commands useful for a few times.
looking at this file:
A double C-S are page up and down. C-g cancels a
repeats the command, and
last search. Cursor control: C-n will get you out
A double C-R and C-p go up and of most anything.
brings you down. C-L centers
back. the window. Sometimes it takes
several to kill a
Note: a C-s does C-L is also good for search, though.
a forward search refreshing the screen
that proceeds if some glitch screws
from the cursor up the display.
location. If it
"fails", try
hitting C-s A cool technique:
again, C-s C-w snags the
immediately to word out from
force a under the cursor
"wrapped" search and searches for
from the the next occurence.
Now, I suggest hitting C-R several times to jump back to
where you came from. Alternately, you might want to try doing
a C-S DEEP_GNU to see some more stuff about emacs.