September 5, 2013
Common in anime (and perhaps in
Japanese culture, perhaps not), is A_DREAM_OF_JAPAN
the over-reaching, over-confident
oath; a technique for psyching
yourself up to achieve victory by
insisting that you will succeed,
even though realistically you
wouldn't be so insistent if things
were actually that certain.
To my ear, these sound like
overpromising, they sound
foolish because you know But then, I often
they might not be able to come off as wishy-
deliver. washy, excessively
I understand the motivational If not-- crime
purpose, but it seems to me of all crimes--
you need to use such tricks "negative".
sparringly; otherwise the
next time you try it you may
find yourself remembering the
last six times and end-up
undermining rather than
bolstering your confidence.