April 6, 2009
The essence of July 15, 2009
existentialism: (which no doubt February 19, 2010
preceeded it's
One can make existance).
decisions that
re-define the
self, that
transform the Myself, I tend to
entity making regard the individual With the exception of some
the choices. as recalcitrant, extreme technological
reluctant to change. interference...
Further, one Many relatively DRUGS
*has* to make Big Decisions
these decisions: often have
there's no surprisingly
alternative to little effect But then, they
freedom. on later don't have zero
decisions: effect.
An appeal to
authority Choosing a
requires that Even the school, A
you choose incarcerated field of
*which* has to choose study, even
authority. how to take choosing a
imprisonment. religion.
Attempts at You can't
grounding these destroy
decisions in pure the freedom
reason and logic of the self
have always without individuality == freedom ?
failed: there is destroying
no scientific the self. and society == constraint ?
morality to
dictate which
choice you should