April 6, 2009
February 18, 2010
Free will is
something which is
experienced, rather
than an abstraction Even if you suppose that every
to be "proved". choice is foreordained, that's
just a detail, because the
choices are still there, part
At this moment, I can of the fabric of the
continue writing this, determined universe.
switch to writing code,
get up from the computer It cannot be turned into an
and go talk to my partner, "illusion" by any advances
or go for a bike ride, or in knowledge of the physical
any number of other nature of the universe
things. (e.g. determined/ random,
one world-line or multiple
That sea of possibilities branching ones, etc).
is the ocean we swim through,
doubting the reality of it's The physical In the absence
existance is an absurdity phenomena of any actual
just as it would be absurd underlying foreknowledge
to doubt the existance of human thought of what is
your self. could be supposedly
determinstic, foreordained it
No one really or random, or remains a
does, do they? something more hypothetical
SELF complicated metaphysical
(On the other hand, without changing quibble.
sometimes I wonder the existential
about all you zombies...) experience. QUINCUNX