June 18, 2007
"The notion that fire is insufficient to bring down a
steel building was already dealt a blow by the
February 2005 fire at Madrid's landmark Windsor office
tower. The fire ... caused several of the top floors
to collapse, and sparked fears that the entire
30-story tower could implode unless it was quickly
demolished. There was nothing to indicate that the
Windsor tower suffered from anything approaching the
notoriously fragile, unorthodox construction practices
at New York's late World Trade Center."
-- Bill Weinberg, WW4 REPORT
Aw Shut Up Already, Will Ya?"
You don't often see people
pointing out that the WTC And also, a glass and
was a house of cards. steel monstrosity without
style or grace, except
(No doubt that for -- maybe -- the
would be a grave observation platform.
insult to our
brave boys in My favorite detail:
the Port the windows had people
Authority who staring out through
didn't die in vertical metal slots,
the collapse.) without any peripheral
The polar opposite
of bay windows.
Question: Did Robert
Moses have something
to do with the WTC
construction? No,
apparently not... but
various accounts "The engineers were aware of the danger
describe the WTC posed by jet fuel if a plane hit the
construction as being towers, but it was not addressed; nor
much like a Moses was heat. Decisions by the Port
project. Authority, which was exempt from the
city building code, resulted in grossly
inadequate fireproofing"
-- Thomas Bender, review of
"City in the Sky"
"The Rise and Fall of the World Trade Center."
By James Glanz and Eric Lipton (2003)
Bill Weinberg again:
"In April 2005, few media outlets took note
of the release of NIST's long-awaited study
on the collapse. The report noted that the
WTC's unusual lack of internal support walls From other sources
(a measure to increase office space) I've heard the point
contributed to the collapse, and that lives that asbestos insulation
were lost due to building occupants became illegal when
scrambling to find seemingly inadequate they got to the 60th
stairwells. Yet, as one account put it: 'The floor or so, and they
report however did not blame the designers had to switch to some
or builders for the WTC collapse...'" other material.
"This cat was already well out of the I've heard the claim
bag. Retired New York deputy fire chief that this material
Vincent Dunn, author of The Collapse Of was just as good,
Burning Buildings: A Guide To Fireground as far as insulation
Safety, told the New York Times Oct. 17, goes, but it occurs
2002: 'There is no other high-rise office to me that fragility
building in New York City that would have would be a different
pancaked down in 10 seconds. This was a issue:
fragile, unorthodox construction that should
have never been allowed. It was a disaster How did it stand
waiting to happen.'" up to shock, and/or
thermal expansion?
And this
cladded steel
concept is
total junk
compared to
the old-
embedded in
If you want
to prevent
further WTC
the obvious
thing to do
is stop
building WTCs.