July 18, 2007
Ah, Bill Weinberg...
Bill Weinberg's midnight
Puts the tank in radio show on WBAI was a WBAI
cantankerous. favorite of the Toadkeeper's...
That heavy jewish-New York TOADKEEPER
accent, "*whine*-ing" away (as
he himself often puts it) about
the state of the world...
The show is called "The Moorish
His complete inability to Orthodox Radio Crusade". He inherited
master the cart machine (he it from Peter Lambourne Wilson, aka
fumbles it at the start of Hakim Bey.
just about every show)...
Weinberg's interests have
Repeatedly griping about always run more toward Latin
the quality of the phone America, but as the Bush
callers, and yet returning regime's own "crusade" began
to the phones every time, heating up, he's felt more
like Charlie Brown sympathy for the Moorish.
charging the football.
There are many and various things I
appreciate about Bill Weinberg, including:
o He's very cyclically correct: he loves to
talk-up his bike riding habit, and he covers
the New York critical mass scene very well.
o He's long since gotten
tired of ranting about He has what strikes me as
the 9/11 truthies... a valid gripe-- many a
show at WBAI uses DVDs of
His write-up on the the idiotic "Loose Change"
subject may not be documentary as a
the definitive debunk fundraising premium.
but it's good enough.
With the help of Max Schmidt
FALLEN_TOWERS he started using an excellent
smart-ass give-away "premium" for
And I see that he's been fund raising purposes: a data disk
arguing with the "peak-oil" full of sound recordings of
guys as well... conspiratoria throughout the
decades including paul-is-dead-ism.
o He's very strong on obscure-- to me-- ethnic minorities.
When Weinberg does a good show, I end up reaching for the
atlas, and searching the web.
o He often has excellent guests on the
show, e.g. a member of JATO just back September 26, 2006: "Aaron
from Israel, or activists from Oaxaca Levitt of Jews Against the
reporting on current events. Occupation (JATO) and the
Tel Rumeida Project"
October 3, 2006: "Efrain
Galicia of New York's Consejo
de Derechos Humanos Para
Todos, just back from Mexico,
speaks on the struggle in
There are some oddities about Weinberg I still
haven't sorted out in my mind. For example, he There are many things
and his anarcho-syndicalist friends periodically to dislike about life
use capitalism as a sneer word, but I'm not even under the old Bush Jr.
sure what they mean by it. regime -- excuse me,
"the last eight years" --
Comes the revolution, will Finland be put to but I have my doubts
the wall for being Capitalist? Will Sweden? it's strictly accurate
to call the trouble
Of course, we're not
allowed to use the
"f" word.
I fear he has a tendency to see
"left-wing anti-semitism" under the bed. I think the way it works is that
if Weinberg attacks Zionism, he's
There was a really odd occasion where he displaying an enlightened
decided he had something against Norman understanding, but if someone
Finklestein. Weirdly enough Weinberg had else does, they're under scrutiny.
swallowed a smear from Dershowitz (of all
people)... and Weinberg apparently thought
he deserved credit for being open-minded
because he was listening to one of the
In general he seems
to pick some strange
fights with his
fellow leftists, CONTRARIAN_WARS
even his fellow
marxist-anarchists... (But Bill Weinberg deserves
no comparison with the
But then, it also means likes of Bob Black.)
he's willing to take on
things like the truthies
and the peakies. (And I have a feeling his beef with
Chomsky may have more beef to it than
his complaints about Finklestein.)
Contrarians may go off the rails on occasion, but
at least they're relatively immune to the
"politically correct" problem-- many people
substitute tribal identity for judgement, and if
you're not afraid to pick fights with your own
tribe you've got some defense against that impulse.
"I'm not doing the hard work of organizing.
I'm just throwing tomatoes on the radio."
WBAI, Jan 7 2009