July 15, 2012
August 19, 2013
Daniel Kahneman,
"Thinking, Fast and Slow" This page is just my
(2011) initial cursory
examination, so let me
raise the 'first13' flag:
This looks like another example
of the trend I call "stupid is
the new smart".
"When we think of ourselves, we identify with System 2,
the conscious, reasoning self that has beliefs, makes
choices, and decides what to think about and what to
do. Although System 2 believes itself to be where the
action is, the automatic System 1 is the hero of the
book. I describe System 1 as effortlessly originating
impressions and feelings that are the main sources of
the explicit beliefs and deliberate choices of System 2.
The automatic operations of System 1 generate
surprisingly complex patterns of ideas, but only the
slower System 2 can construct thoughts in an orderly
series of steps."
-- p.21, hardcover
But my claim is not that the author
is advocating stupidity, or that
what he's saying is stupid, but
that once this is boiled down in
the brain pans of the nominal
thinking men out there, that's the DANGEROUS_IDEAS
direction it steers them-- don't
worry, go with your gut, show
everyone the mighty power of your SHOOT_FIRST
intuition based on ignorance (or
vice versa).
At least at the outset, it
sounds as though Kahneman is
indeed making System 1 the hero,
which I would call a mistake-- Kahneman says
(from Brand's summary):
System 2 can train
System 1 to react better.
Essentially Kahneman wants to
make System 2 aware of System 1. And System 1 can know
when to turn things over
So can we use strategies to System 2. (p.30)
for combining the two to
make the strongest possible
hybrid system? What
approaches might work?
o Make a point of
alternating between TWO_LEVEL
both systems.
o Find exercises to
strengthen one or the The "first13"
other and both together? approach itself
is a halfway
o Form teams of people measure with
with complementary system 2, an
strengths in different attempt at
systems. speeding it up...
And then consider the problem of
collective intelligence...
It can take a long time for our
hive brains to make it to the truth...
It can take decades to sort through
propaganda and lies and for all of
us to get some rough understanding
of what's actually happening.
I submit that this is what you might
call "System 3": even slower than the And... might there not
deliberate "System 2". be other Systems, such as
a System 0?
The engine of our collective
understanding needs work.
If System 2 can train System 1,
Can System 2 train System 3?