December 1, 2011
November 3, 2013
As Thomas Friedman once asked,
will we roll up our sleeves, Reading this a few years later,
or keep limping? I thought I must've gotten
confused by someone writing a
But why not both? parody of Friedman, but no:
We could roll up our
sleeves *and* keep "Roll up sleeves, or limp on?"
limping. New York Times, Sept. 21, 2011
Or we could roll up "We can either roll up our sleeves
our sleeves and trip and do what's needed to overcome our
because we're not post-Cold War excesses and adapt to
paying attention. the demands of the 21st century, or
we can just keep limping into the
Or we could roll future."
up our pant legs
and go wading, and He must be doing this
forget about the on purpose, at this point.
whole thing.
Just when I'm ready to
give up on the whole
"don't mix metaphors" Out of the Friedman,
rule, Tommy comes along to and into the fire,
convince me I'm wrong. and onto the pages of
the New York Times, a
paper which will
never actually beat
rockaeven if thrown
by Edward Said.