December 30, 2010
Charles Stross comments that he
likes to work with the premise that ETERNAL_HUMAN
human nature is maleable, and hence
can be engineered... but he also
has a habit of insisting that his
primary job is to entertain.
Myself, I'm inclined
to insist that TAKEN_LIGHTLY
fiction can do more
than just entertain. It may be that Stross
regards it as politic
I might suggest that it to pose as a "mere
can be used to engineer entertainer".
human nature.
about fiction.
To remake the world,
To transform humanity... DRAMATIC_FICTION
Now that's a job for
Science Fiction. Walt Whitman wrote an essay
called "Democratic Vistas"
where he called for a new http://xroads.virginia.edu/~Hyper/Whitman/vistas/vistas.html
literature that would bind
the US together after the (1871
close of the Civil War, a or so)
literature that would enable
the fufillment of the promise
of American democracy.
"... ahead, though dimly yet, we see,
in vistas, a copious, sane, gigantic
Whitman called for:
"literatures, far different, far higher
in grade than any yet known, sacerdotal,
modern, fit to cope with our occasions,
lands, permeating the whole mass of
American mentality, taste, belief,
breathing into it a new breath of life,
giving it decision, affecting politics
far more than the popular superficial
suffrage, with results inside and
underneath the elections of Presidents
or Congresses ..."
"Few are aware how the great literature
penetrates all, gives hue to all, shapes
aggregates and individuals, and, after
subtle ways, with irresistible power,
constructs, sustains, demolishes at will"
"I proceed with my speculations, Vistas."
Whitman obsesses with a need for
a poetry of the modern, but conceedes
that there are other writings, such
as journalism, that are already there.
It is possible that I obsess with
"science fiction" (and fiction in
general) in a way that's out of date.
It may be that what we really needed
is a new *form* of literature.
beyond fiction,
beyond journalism...
(I wonder about the
next internet genre,
the successor to the
blog, wiki, and
"discussion group"...).