a letter to some friends 7/16/94
"Did you read The Gripping Nope. Another book to avoid
Hand? If so, what was your until it hits the used bookstores.
"How many nights did you Zero. Don't watch much TV.
stay up watching CNN's Well, I guess I did see Dr. Who
coverage of the Hubble repair last Sunday. Ace is cool.
"How 'bout that DC - X?" Takes a licking but keeps on ticking.
Haven't seen the Av. Week shots yet.
"News reports suggest that Harlan Ellison should drive a
James T. Kirk dies in the stake through his heart.
upcoming Star Trek Movie. How I liked the press release for this:
should he meet his demise?" compare the acting careers of
Shatner vs. Stewart, then imagine
them in the same movie.
"All that plus my own Upon which I will score rock bottom.
invention -- a formula for I live in an 8 by 10 room, sleeping
estimating your Bourgeoisie under a plywood and 2x4 loft I constructed,
score (I remain a social I listen to music on a 2nd hand Sears
scientist)." stereo which can play 8-tracks, but not
CDs. The TV I watched Dr. Who on is a
5 inch diagonal b&w I got from K-mart
to use as a monitor with Will's old
If anyone is interested Atari-800. I must admit, I do now have
in adding up my Bohemian *two* cars. Someone gave me another
score, I'd probably do 78 Toyota Corolla. Neither of them are
better. running at the moment, but with luck
I will improve this situation tomorrow.
My main hobby
right now is the radio
show I do on the Stanford Why the doom schtick?
radio station (KZSU 90.1FM), Well, there was this
where I am "The Voice of bboard once where I was Being a college
Doom". changing my name every DJ is an interest-
day... Boris Badanov, ing thing...
I live in "Luck House", Francious Villon, more recorded
a semi-communal Dr. Benway, Rafael music is released
group house, where Sabatini, Victor von then you can
I am one of a set Doom... I noticed that possibly
of six people. I always many people were comprehend,
We all have our seem to be genuinely confused by and about half
own bedrooms, 1 of 6. this. I asked a friend of this acoustic
though, there are which name I should firehose is
more than one switch to permanently. blasting through
bathrooms, and LUCK She said that "'Victor my ears, and
half of us are von Doom' matches your sometimes through
female. Most of sense of humor". Then my mind.
the books in the came a long string of
living room are unix accounts under the My main goals
mine. name 'doom'. Then when on the air:
I became a Dj, what apply a struct-
I'm currently name could I possibly ured, planned
doing software use but "The Voice of approach to
work (sometimes Doom"? create new
interesting, art forms.
though not often The 3 song
enough) at Simultrans tension-release
a company that I am all too set. The
"localizes" software familiar with 4 song
for other countries Windows for subversive
(which we will not Workgangs. set. The 45
call foreign). One And MS Word. minute essay.
of the jobs we're
doing right now: I got a call on the air
translating a software tonight from "Wendy"
package that claims I am really who claimed to be in
to be able to do feeling the Boston. A friend she
automatic translation. need to called in CA had my show
get back on, and she listened to
into a lab. a lot of it over the phone.
Sputtering She wanted to tell me what
magnetics a good show I was doing
at Almaden and that I have a "great
was much voice".
more fun.
This is not a typical call.
And perhaps
into another (Usually I get
graduate requests for Motley
program... Crew.)
though not
quite yet.
Recommendations: _The Sandman_ (advances the art of comicbooks,
immensely readable fantasy, loaded with convoluted references to
myths, folklore, literature... start with _The Doll's House_ trade
paperback if you haven't started already); rec.comics.misc (a silly
news group which nevertheless provides a lot of insight into _The
Sandman_, a dozen sets of eyes being more powerful than one);
rec.music.industrial (for the latest in music); Mary Renault's trilogy
about Alexander the Great: _Fire from Heaven_, _The Persian Boy_, &
_Funeral Games_ (if Alexander were a character in a fantasy novel I
wouldn't believe in him); "The Brain Wash" on Folsom near 7th
(greatest coffee house/laundromat/performance space/gallery in the Bay
area); _Liberty_ (a much more reasonable libertarian rag than say,
_Reason_, in that it's willing to publish criticism of things
libertarian, e.g. the libertarian party -- speaking of which, "Go,
Stern!", though I wish he'd drop the death penalty); Prigogine &
Stengers _Order out of Chaos_ (a nice balance between popular and
And as far as music goes, Clock DVA (technophiliac, promethean
industrial dance); Voice of Eye (excellent industrial ambient, dark
and moody); X-tal (local folk punks with excellent lyrics); SunRa's
_Cosmic Tones_ CD (astounding cosmic psychedelic big band jazz music,
far ahead of it's time), or maybe Moondog's _Sax Pax_, with some cool,
laid back lyrics going for it, or what about the International music
scene? Shu-De, Ziskakan and Sheila Chandra are all amazing, which brings
us to the Pokrovsky Ensemble and their "Les Noces" CD demonstrating
Stravinsky's roots in Russian folk music, and speaking of "classical"
do you realize how much exists that gets no play on "classical"
stations? I mean you may have heard about some great stuff by Michael
Nyman (you know, "The Piano" flick), but how about Morton Feldman (as
performed by the Kronos Quartet, perhaps), or if you want some Hip-Hop
that isn't bogus, see if you can find Paris or Aztlan Nation, and did
you even get a chance to hear The Gits, punk with superb powerful
lyrics and vocals, before their lead was murdered? You can't get 'em
to shut up about Kurt Cobain, but nobody's even heard of Mia Zapatta...
Argh. I'll shut up now.