July 26, 2014
The "Super Awesome" exhibit at the    
Oakland Museum of California, has just                 http://www.museumca.org/exhibit/superawesome-art-and-giant-robot
closed this weekend.                  
This focused on works featured in "Giant Robot"
magazine, a very impressive, very creative
magazine that ran from mid-90s to 2011.

I don't believe we ever subscribed to it, but
we bought nearly every issue off of the stands--     Somewhat embarassingly,
and to San Francisco's credit, that was always       I didn't notice when
really easy for us to do.                            it ceased publication--
                                                     but then, I'm afraid
  "Giant Robot", was a magazine dedicated            it started seeming
  to Asian pop culture, as it's brilliant            a bit dull to me near
  name implied to anyone with even a                 the end of it's run.
  little knowledge of the Mecha of
  Japanese anime...  it captured a young
  Asian-American slant on art and culture
  that was unique, and yet immediately         ("a young Asian-American slant--"
  recognizeable.                               that's a pun too horrible even
                                               for me to intend, honest).

  I've never really taken the trouble to
  to try to define that angle: once
  you see it, you know it, and I never
  felt much need to analyze it.

  Giant Robot kids knew their way around hip-hop
  and punk, Hong Kong action flicks and Japanese      Dangerbaby liked to bring
  anime; they were comfortable in skate parks or      copies of "Giant Robot"
  art galleries; they collected action figures        with her on trips to
  and hello kitty paraphenalia, and tended to         Bali, where the artsy
  create some very warped variations of both--        Indonesian kids would
                                                      devour it, remarking
  A good issue of "Giant Robot" could produce         "*We* should have a
  a sense of revelations, not to mention a            magazine like this!"
  half-dozen reminders about interesting
  things you'd forgoten, and a far longer list          In contrast, the
  of things you should check out some day               older, established
  soon.                                                 Balinese artist Wayan
                                                        Sika complained about
  Looking back on "Giant Robot", having                 how it seemed "so
  spent several years recently obsessing                *commercial*".
  about otaku-yaki...  what *was* it about
  those guys?                                               (He preferred
                                                             the esthetic
                                                             of "Juxtapos".)
                                  (June 27, 2014)
  The Giant Robot esthetic...

     It's attitude toward the popular:
     accepting, but not uncritical.

  Assimilation collapses as an issue--

     They are what they are,
     they don't concede it's *less*
     than the "mainstream",                  Conscious of being target of
     or the "traditional"...                 emulation, at least by some?

                                                 The Giant Robot attitude
   Probably being rooted in LA was key--         toward ethnicity...
   a major metropolitan area, with some
   serious cultural resources, despite           "Giant Robot" was in a
   having been long since written off by         peculiar position-- their
   the New Urban/anti-Hollywood snobs            focus was defined by a
   from New York and San Francisco (such         certain ethnic identity,
   as myself).                                   but they didn't
                                                 want to be limited by it.
   Certainly being Pacific Rim was key--
   California looks to both Asia and New         A white dude I knew on
   York (whereas New York has tended to          alt.gothic complained
   look to Europe and-- sometimes--              that GR felt racially
   California).                                  exclusionary to him...
                                                 he didn't read it because
                                                 he felt he didn't belong.

                                                 That always seemed peculiar
              At the Oakland Museum, on          to me-- the GR editors
              display for all to read was        certainly knew that half of
              issue number two of Giant          their readers were white.
              Robot, from 1995-- this was
              back in the days when it was       But then, I had an idea for
              a half-sheet sized                 a Giant Robot article once--
              photocopied zine-- and I was       a write-up of a large
              a little surprised to see          Vietnamese music festival in
              that Asian ethnicity was a         San Jose-- but I wouldn't
              more explicitly addressed          consider pitching it to them
              topic in those days.               because I wasn't sure they'd
                                                 care about a white person's
              I gather that they                 take.
              quickly felt like they'd
              said what they had to
              say, and then it receeded
              into the background, or                    ETHNICALLY_AUTHENTIC
              close to it.


                   From an artist's statement at
                   the "Super Awesome" exhibit,
                   by Shizu Saldamando:

                   "I think everyone goes through that.
                   Am I authentic?  Am I a poseur?
                   There is no authentic self.              AUTHENTICITY
                   We're all mixed up and we're
                   all part of a world that's
                   constantly changing and morphing."
