December 10, 2007
Riding the 22 Fillmore back from Japantown.
There's a slow-moving, black young woman
with sleepy eyes in the center of the back
seat, quitely chatting on a cell phone. She
has very dark skin, and she's showing off
really nice legs.
A crowd of black kids (aged 8-10?) get on the bus,
and begin doing their rowdy act, one of them
climbing around on the overhead rails, etc.
They talk to the black girl
briefly, kidding her with
some schtick like "no, we Ah: so she's
heard it on the radio, really". recorded
some music.
The black kids huddle around the side exit,
and one of them starts pushing things too far,
dangling around outside of the open doors,
yelling up the street.
The bus driver -- an older, asian guy --
tells them to knock it off.
They (almost) immediately quiet down.
The bus driver then adds "or I'll call the police".
They start saying "Huh? What did you say?"
They get off the bus at the
next stop, run around behind
the bus, and yank the contacts Before leaving,
off the wires, so the bus they rap in unison:
driver has to walk around back
to put them back on. "We're black!
When we get off of this bus,
He climbs back on the bus. these motherfuckers are
Turns to us, and makes a going to say something
pronouncement: about us."
"When you have black people,
you have problems, when you
have no black people, then
you have no problems."
Dangerbaby and I -- sitting
in the back of the bus, as is
not unusual -- immediately
"Oops!" (say I, A glance around the
scintillating, as bus: there's a mix
always). of white, asian and
latino at this point,
She says something like but no blacks -- the
"You're driving in the girl had gotten off
wrong city, dude!" some time before the
little kids.
At this point, a white guy
sitting by himself, turns over
his shoulder, and looks at us,
but says nothing, and I do A latino guy in
believe we've spotted one the corner also
of the "silent majority" reacts in the same
among racists. way at this point. Difficult to
say what side
he's on, but
Someone up front is saying I fear he's
something like "kids these another member.
days have no sense of --".
But my take was almost DAY_FOR_THE_RACES
completely opposite: this
crowd of black kids was
obnoxious, and misguided
in a lot of ways, but at
least they're alive. Misguided: defining "black"
as synonymous with "obnoxious".
White kids these days look to
me like they're on this To my eye, the worst
downward spiral into some thing about their
autistic video game hell -- behavior was that one
they'd never think to play of the kids abandoned
pranks on the bus driver. an ice cream cup on top
Being "well behaved" is not of the wheel well.
necessarily always such a
good thing.
is not exactly a
formula for success,
is it?