July 14-21, 2008
Philp Wylie's "Gladiator" (1930).
Originally written: 1926.
The superstrong and nearly
invulnerable hero of "Gladiator" A little too weird for a
is well adapted to war time -- first novel, so they held
he leaps from trench to trench, off for a few years.
running through them crushing
human skulls in his hands as he [link]
goes; but in peace time, he has
no place in the world, and ends He releases someone trapped
up a pathetic figure, working as in a bank vault, and is
a circus strong man. regarded with extreme
suspicion rather than
"Gladiator" is a grim gratitude -- obviously, a
vision of the absolute satire of the O'Henry story.
futility of being a
"super-hero", though
it was published
decades before they
were invented. Or "invented":
Superman was essentially a
flattened out "Gladiator";
"Gladiator" with the Arguably, Stan Lee's
intelligent themes subtracted. great innovation in
the '60s was to add some
The Siegel and Schuster Superman of them back in.
is a little kids impression of
being the "Gladiator" --
enthralled with the surface, and
missing the point. WASTES
And yet, if
you're going to
apply a measure
such as "the
test of time", Did Jerry Siegel have
with Superman "something to say"? MAKING_WRITERS
up against
the Gladiator,
there's no doubt
who'd win.