November 7, 2007

  An observation of late, based
  largely on introspection, I
  It's often the case that
  stories that work, and work          ANNA_KARENINA
  really well, are extremely
  simple stories.                        I'm not just talking "boy
                                         meets girl/boy loses
  The sophistication that's              girl/ boy gets girl" --
  often supposed to be a                 I'm talking "boy meets
  necessity for great work               girl", *period*.
  would seem to be optional,
  just one way of going, not
  the only way of going.

                      That's a bit of a
                      reluctant admission
                      for me: I often use
                      "deep & complex" as        Part of the puzzle--
                      a synonym for "good".      and it may only be a puzzle
                                                 in my own psychology -- is
                                                 that my tastes in art and
                                                 music run far more highbrow
                                                 (or at least much further
   (And it occurs to me that                     from the mainstream) than my
   this is what Goldman's                        tastes in fiction.
   "The Princess Bride" is      
   about... though framing                       But then, maybe that's       
   it as a celebration of                        an exaggeration:             
   children's literature may                                                  
   obscure the point.)                             Punk rock (70s edition)    
                                                   Gothic music (80s & 90s
                                                   Comic books, including     
                                                   the superhero variety.     
