March 27, 2003
The Glass Key (1931)                                           June  19, 2004
by Dashiell Hammett:                                           July   6, 2021
This is the                                                    
book Hammett                                                   
wrote after                                                    
"The Maltese                               And "The Maltese Falcon" indulges in
Falcon".                                   the rather unlikely Lone Private Eye.
                                           Hammett heroes may work on their own,
      It has much in common                but they're typically members of
      in style and theme                   organizations of some sort.
      with it's more famous
      predecessor, but I       For one thing, it has
      recommend this one       not had the meaning
      more highly.             sucked out of it by a
                               film adaptation as
                               excellent as the 1941      G_IN_THE_AIR
If one man is responsible      "Maltese Falcon".
for crystallizing the
American style, it's                  (As far as the filmed
Hammett: he perfected clean,          "Glass Key" goes:
simple, direct prose.                 Pretty boy war hero
                                      Alan Ladd borders on
   (Hemingway is often given          the pet rock
   credit for "inventing"             category, though
   this, but "The Sun Also            William Bendix did a
   Rises" was published in            fine job with the
   1926, and Hammett's                character Jeff.)
   "Continental Op" stories
   started running in 1924.)

The initial set-up:
Our hero is "Ned       The politician is Paul
Beaumont", who         Madvig, a machine-boss      On top of this, there's
describes himself      who is also running         a bookie who tries to
as "a gambler, and     speakeasies and gambling    skip without paying Ned
a politician's         houses. Madvig is           Beaumont's winnings;
hanger-on".            cutting a deal with a       the girlfriend the
                       hoity-toity Senator         bookie abandons; Paul
                       because he's after his      Madvig's daughter,
                       daughter and fighting a     who's been fooling
                       rear-guard action           about with the
                       against a rival             Senator's son Taylor
                       speakeasy operator who's    Henry; and Taylor Henry
                       even more vicious than      himself, who ends up
                       he is.                      dead in the street near
                                                   "The Log Cabin Club"
                                                   that Paul Madvig uses
                                                   as a base of

                                                          (Heh: "Log Cabin
                                                          Club". Paul Madvig
                                                          is no Abraham

The immediately striking
thing about "The Glass        When Hammett wrote the
Key" (like "The Maltese       Glass Key he *may* have
Falcon") is that it is        been thinking of it as    But there was
completely, relentlessly,     a movie script in novel   certainly influence
external.                     form ("The Jazz Singer"   going the other
                              had been released in      way: there were a
The third-person              1927).  But he was        number of attempts
narration follows the         already going in this     at doing "The
main character around         direction some years      Maltese Falcon" in
and records the things        before that, circa        movie form, before
he does and the things        1924: my guess is that    John Huston did the
he says, but it never         this was a minimal        definitive version
ducks inside his head to      influence.                in 1941, with
tell us what he thinks.                                 Humphrey Bogart.
                                 Of course, it
                                 *could* be he             (And for once
A hot topic in mid-20s           was thinking              Hollywood had
literature was "stream           about stage               the sense to
of consciousness":               plays...                  stop.)
writers like James
Joyce and Virginia                 But the distance
Woolf attempted to                 from audience to
capture on paper the               curtain line is
torrent of words that              much larger than
flow through the human             from the reader
mind.                              to Beaumont's
Hammett, I would guess,
believed that this was
impossible: no one
understands human
thought well enough to    FOGGY_BOTTOM
record it honestly.

"The Glass Key" is in
effect (and perhaps by
design) an anti-"stream
of consciousness"
story: the reader
knows everything that
goes on, but can only
infer why.

But Hammett isn't pushing
the Literary Ambiguity in
your face... it's largely      Or at least, the reader
pretty clear what's going      usually *thinks* it's clear:
on in Ned Beaumont's head.     different readers sometimes
                               find they disagree when they
                               compare notes.


                                            When Beaumont first breaks with
One of the virtues of the                   Madvig, he ends up getting roped
"Black Mask"/hardboiled                     in by Shad.
school is it's rejection     BLACK_MASKS
of the absurdities of the                   Later, Beaumont gets together
mystery genre.                              with Madvig again for awhile,
                                            and the world at large decides
There are no curare-dipped                  it was all a trick in the first
barbed shoe-laces, and no                   place, a shifty maneuver to get
succotash on the stairs                     at Shad.
over the suit of armor with
crossed-halbreds.                           I know at least one person who
                                            got the impression that that was
However, "The Maltese Falcon"               actually supposed to be the case.
does have a rather romantic
macguffin (a piece of
historically significant                    It seems pretty clear to
jewel-studded gold -- though                me that Hammett had the
characteristically it never                 opposite idea in mind:
actually appears on stage).                 human character is much
And similarly, the main                     more shapeless than that,
character in "The Maltese                   and human motivations
Falcon" is the rather                       much less rational.
unlikely Lone Private Eye.                  Beaumont gets mad, and
                                            walks out, then starts
"The Glass Key" has the                     toying around with Shad
gritty realism cranked                      for the hell of it and
up another few notches,                     get's pushed back into
with it's backdrop of                       Madvig's camp when Shad
corrupt politics and an                     starts playing hardball.
ethically dubious
political fixer as a                        The details of what Beaumont was
main character.                             *really* trying to do remain
                                            open questions:
   My first guess with this kind
   of tale of corruption is that               Maybe he was just trying to
   the author is trying to use                 see if he could con Shad
   fiction to say some things                  into letting him walk out
   that you might not get away                 with a ten thousand dollar
   with otherwise...                           "payoff" in his pocket and
                                               a train-ticket out of town.
     When Hammet was writing,
     Prohibition was in full                   Maybe he was blowing some
     swing, and Jimmy Walker                   smoke for Madvig, but just
     and the Tammany Machine                   for old time's sake as a
     were still in charge of                   parting gift.
     New York City.
                                               Maybe Beaumont himself
       So maybe the author is trying           doesn't really know and
       to puncture some naivete: The           hadn't thought it out
       message is that underneath the          very clearly...
       respectable front your leaders          
       put up, there's greed,                  I think that's the right     
       power-lust, stupidity, and              way to look at Beaumont's    
       corruption too clumsy to be             character: he really *is* a  
       glorified with words like               gambler, and he constantly   
       "conspiracy".                           dives into things without a  
                                               plan, and then trys to see   
       But these attempts at wising            what he can squeeze out of   
       up the masses often seem                the situation.               
       completely hopeless:                                                 
       everyone is always willing                 Was he really sure what   
       to believe stuff like this                 he was going to do when   
       about some other land, or                  he lifted one of Taylor   
       some distant time, but not                 Henry's hats?             
       about *our* boy, not in                                              
       *this* day and age.                        Why exactly *did* he      
                                                  go out to the house       
          But I'm afraid that                     where Matthews (the       
          Paul Madvig has a                       editor of the             
          lot in common with                      Observer) lived?          
          the last mayor of                                                 
          San Francisco.       (Willie            Twice over, he has a      
                                Brown)            hand in manipulating      
          (And I've got my                        things so that Paul       
          suspicions about                        Madvig's enemies die,     
          the present one as                      but he can't really       
          well.)               (Gavin             be said to have           
                               Newsom)            planned their deaths.     

                                      The glass key can open the door,
                                      but it's fragile, it may break
                                      and leave you with the door stuck
                                      open.  You will have to live with
                                      whatever was on the other side of
                                      it, and it may not be -- probably
                                      won't be -- what you expected.

                                         So what is
                                         The Glass Key

