September 7, 2010
A "Kamal", nominally located in
San Francisco, CA, commented on
Paul Krugman's blog (September
7th, 2010):
"So it seems you are correct that the stimulus
is too small. Mises and Hayek would have told
you that central planning of this sort was
bound to fail because it is impossible to
calculate the correct size of a stimulus
package and also impossible to allocate it
optimally. Econ 101 tells us that private
companies have an easy way to tell if they are
allocating resources correctly, namely they are
making a profit on exchanges that are 100%
voluntary. Government has no similar way to
calculate that the money it spends is actually
making people's lives better since people are
forced to pay for it."
"Anyone who tells you that government can
efficiently allocate resources doesn't
understand econ 101."
I responded:
Using the internet to argue that government
investment in infrastructure is always
doomed is too dumb to glorify as "ironic".
Simple, elegant pinciples that explain
everything ala Mises and Hayek would
certainly be nice to have, if only they
really did explain everything. Pretending
that they do when they don't doesn't really
help. Whatever you may say about Krugman,
he's trying to bring together both theory
and observation.
Whether the inherent waste in government
spending due to the weak oversight of the
political process exceeds the inherent
waste due to ignorant consumers conned by
advertising experts (consider the SUV) The SUV was a hugely popular
remains an open question. product without a reason for
existance. People bought
them for the stated purpose
of improving their own
safety, despite the fact that
this was demonstrably not so.
They did however do a fine
job of making everyone else
less safe