August 10, 2010
For anyone with any ambition at all,
with any regard for themselves, I
think it's natural to look to the
biographies of the great for hints
on how to live, on how to proceed.
Talking about this in public can be
astoundingly difficult to get right.
You can embarass yourself easily with
a comparison to someone who seems ("Einstein skipped a lot of the
totally out of your league. academic work and got a job
in the patent office... why
Ted Nelson's comparison of himself should I feel trapped by this
to Walt Disney, to Orson Welles, day job?")
and so on can seem very pretentious--
And yet, after the fact, those NELSON
comparisons don't seem so extreme,
do they? How many world-changing new
ideas have *you* had in your life? The judgement of history
might very well go the
other way on this one,
with Nelson's name
looming larger than the
media-geniuses of yore.
What can you learn from
those who've gone before?
Are the extreme cases extreme
because they made the right NATURE_OF_THE_WALLS
moves, or simply because they
had extreme capabilities and/or WIDE_FIELD
extreme luck?
What are they to me?
Examples, role models? SHALIZI
Or reminders of limitations,
nudges toward humility?