August 18, 2010
September 25, 2013
Speaking of the
"renaissance nerd" RENAISSANCE_NERDS
This brings us to Paul Graham, yet
another interesting, intelligent PAUL_GRAHAM
fellow who can't write two paragraphs
without hitting something dubious. HACKING_GREATNESS
I feel like I've started THE_GREAT_DEBATE
working over Graham many
times, but I just get bogged LANGUAGES_OF_POWER
down, there's no end to it.
He's as bad as Richard REAR_VIEW_PIONEER
Posner, except that I doubt
he's doing it on purpose. FLORENCE
Many of Paul Graham's essays-- written back
before he retired to the Venture Capital
business-- are collected in the volume,
"Hackers and Painters", and all are http://www.paulgraham.com/hp.html
available on-line.
Paul Graham has some interest in painting--
I gather in the classical style-- and some
interest in programming, and has concluded
that there then must be some deep connection
between hackers and painters: they like The ultimate put-down
to make stuff. And they need to know some of what Graham has to
stuff. say about painting:
Myself, I'm the kind of "Dabblers and Blowhards"
fellow who would like to http://www.idlewords.com/2005/04/dabblers_and_blowhards.htm
think that there is indeed
some deep connection between
the technical and the
artistic, but the fact that The "Hackers and Painters"
they both have creative essay does however deal with
aspects does not strike me as a number of themes much like
all that amazing an insight. ones I've dealt with, e.g.
the odd pretensions of
"Computer Science", which is
clearly not a science, and
so tangentially related to
to math that the work of
the mathematicians who call
themselves Computer Scientists
is often only of minor interest
to people working on computer