August 09, 2006
The myth of the super-weapon.
Everyone wants to pilot
the Skylark of Space. Every programmer wants
to write code in the
computer-equivalent of BABEL-17
They want the technical Babel-17.
fix to end all technical
The language that
empowers thought,
transforming you
The technology that into a super-being. ENGLEBARTS_BARD
transcends mere
mystical all powerful
tool, the glistening
shiny silver bullet "All you engineers
whose existence is are mystics."
always promised, and
then rhetorically
We're supposed to be as
gods, so why do we keep
getting tripped up on
fence post counting errors
and unit conversions?
Consider a pair of expressions using
the phrase "medium of expression":
(April 11, 2007)
"Business types prefer the most
popular languages because they
view languages as standards.
They don't want to bet the company EXCEPTION
on Betamax. The thing about
languages, though, is that they're "That language is an
not just standards. ... instrument of human
But a programming language isn't reason, and not merely a
just a format. A programming medium for the expression
language is a medium of expression." of thought, is a truth
generally admitted."
-- Paul Graham on "Great Hackers"
[ref] -- George Boole, quoted in
Iverson's Turing Award Lecture,
And again by Paul Graham,
in his "Lisp Quotes".
Got lost on that curve?
Graham and Boole-quoted-
by-Graham are using
"medium of expression"
Computer languages are to mean different things.
supposed to be tools
that mold your thinking WORDS_WORTH
into Holmseian
supriority, beyond the But then, when Boole talks
dreams of Korzybski and about language he means *language*
Sapir/Whorf. not computer coding.
The notion that you can have Boole's use case:
languages with funky, talking to humans.
irrational corners to them --
like, say the rules of Graham's use case:
spelling in English -- and controling computers.
still have a useful language:
that's abhorrent, it's
inconceivable. THE_PERL_AFFAIR
Steve Yegge:
Languages matter! CSG
They *have* to matter!
And of course they matter --
but does he really grasp the
ways that they matter?
All of the ways?
"When you decide what infrastructure to
use for a project, you're not just making
a technical decision. You're also making a
social decision, and this may be the more
important of the two."
-- Paul Graham on "Great Hackers"