March 20, 2014
Consider some of the various dials
one might turn in the creation of
a new fashion scene.
dark or bright;
simplicity or complexity;
populist or elitist;
neat/fussy or sloppy/crude
craft/homemade or designed/manufactured
And you might contrive
sexuality: blatant or subtle
gender roles: with or against
tone: serious or humorous
historical attitude:
modern or retro
Given these parameters,
one can go down the list
and classify the Harujku I think it should be clear
style-- though, that you can imagine
different scenes with similar
Bright, colorful, settings that register
complex, populist, completely differently:
neat/fussy, designed... the essence is not captured
by any obvious taxonomy.
Some dials are not
cranked all the way
over: it is usually
bright, but dark looks Populist:
(goth/punk references)
aren't shunned; the Sebastian, the "6% Doki Doki" designer,
clothes are usually comments that fashion is traditionally
bought, but creative a top-down affair, but it doesn't
home-mades are not have to be, it can bubble up out
banned-- of street fashions... He's apparently
happy to regard himself as a follower,
perhaps an amplifier, rather than a
source of trends.
The deployment of references:
o imitation of older trends; Harajuku is a deranged
o historical dress; amalgamtion of references,
o cosplay of characters; but leaning more on previous
fashion trends, than things
like historical outfits, or
even cosplay (which one
might think would be a close