August 5, 2010
April 8, 2012
"why do people cosplay?"
A random question I've seen around,
that I thought I would try to answer.
Dangerbaby frequently complains about
the evident lack of creativity on
display by most cosplay efforts.
Many of them aren't even making
their own outfits-- you can just
buy pre-made ones easily enough.
And even if you were showing some I once watched an old
excercise in craft in making your documentary about
own, it's all by definition very cosplay, where a
imitative, a matter of duplicating Japanese woman about
a media image as precisely as to attend a convention
possible. in costume remarks:
"I hope I fit in!"
An American goth-punk
hitting a night-club
might very well feel
the same, but it would
be strange if they were
willing to admit it.
(Are you trying to
"fit in" or "stand
out?" Or fit in
by standing out?)
My take is that, I
personally wouldn't go the One scheme I like is to
route of dressing up *just* invent your own manga/anime
like some media image character and begin dressing
(though I suppose I might like that character.
dress in the *style* of
some media image). You might then actually
try to produce some
But I'm not as disturbed comics about your
by the evident lack of invented character.
individual creativity.
Or you can leave
it as a completely
(a) I think that a sub-culture fictitious fiction
can be engaged with a and see if anyone
creative enterprise, even In other words, notices.
though it's individual I believe in
members are engaged in cultural evolution.
making very small steps.
The otaku subculture may be
(b) The individuals involved, a creative entity taken as
from their own point of a whole, and that entity
view strike me as people may include the various
engaged with daring, support industries that
courageous acts. They're supply the ready-made
breaking from the mainstream, Sailor Moon wands and
and finding a place where Bleach swords that allow
other, unusual impulses are the least creative
sanctioned. consumers to play the game.
Taking one case, what do you see here:
The evident insecurity, the conflict
between exhibitionism and shyness. (She would look
better if she
A head in a turmoil of strange impulses learned to work it,
and rampant insecurities, and yet this to project a sense
is someone engaged with the world, of confidence, of
trying to find an outlet, a way to work being comfortable
with what she is, a group of people who in her own skin.)
may understand what she is.