July 28, 2009
Rev: May 5, 2010
In which I lodge some complaints about
"geekfeminsts", though it's more than A common dodge is
likely I should be complaining about to complain about an
some sub-set of geekfeminists... but "extremist" faction,
what should I call the sub-set? without working too
hard to define the
boundary of the extreme.
In any case, here's a summary of
some problems I've got with the GF. (Maybe I should go after
the "hive vagina".)
First of all, I take geekfeminism.wikia.com
as the center of the scene:
It came to my attention
because of issues like this:
One complaint I've got is that
a lot of them seem to be stuck
in the feminism of the 70s:
Another complaint:
they seem to mistake The entire geekfeminism wiki has a
classification with whiff of this about it (to my nose),
refutation. but it's really strong in this
particular bingo card:
"We've all heard *that* before"
can be an effective rhetorical [link]
stance, but it applies as well
to feminist doctrine as to Presenting a list of
responses to it. typical arguments is not
a counter-argument.
It's possible that when you
hear a message from many (Why not provide us
different sources, that with a list of
means you should take it approved things that
more seriously, not less. we're allowed to say?)
In general, they seem to have bought
into a very stereotypic view of the
sexes without realizing it:
Women are weaker then men,
and need to be protected.
Women are easily offended
by sexual material and
off-hand sexist quips.
Oh, how can you men be
so *insensitive*.
If you don't show some
*respect* we're going to
just leave, and take our
hive vagina with us.