October 15, 2009
"Torchwood": the Russel T. Davies November 8, 2009
spin-off from "Doctor Who", a mix February 6, 2010
of "X-files" and queer propaganda,
with a smarmy "likeable rouge"
pretty boy as the vehicle.
Here you get to watch a crowd of
unlikeable, erratic characters
blunder around over-their-heads
with alien miscellanea on the
excuse that they're preparing
humanity for the 21st century.
They never seem to really learn
anything, and never seem to get
I'm inclined to say that they
No doubt that's need to go back to school, and
realistic. learn something about writing
fiction, but that ignores the
And you know, their fact that this show was really
offices look cool. popular. It must've struck a
chord that I don't understand
And the Cardiff city in British culture.
council would probably
like to see them all John Barrowman (who played
knighted. Jack Harkness) was apparently
some great sensation over
Ah, will we ever learn there. Maybe they were
the truth about really ready for some
Jack Harkness? bisexual pretty-boy action.
Well, actually, we already
know the truth about him, Some dvd-extras reveal
because we've been watching that the creative team
"Doctor Who"; so it's more thought that the big
a question of "will they black SUV was really
ever learn"-- with all of kewl and iconic.
that added distance.... CHEAP_SUSPENDERS
If they really like that
And since there's no hot-rod cow, no wonder I
particular reason for him don't follow the rest.
to hide anything from
them, whenever they pick This is not my culture.
up another detail it just
doesn't matter.
Missed opportunities:
Torchwood: is it a secret organization "outside
the government" or is it a famous elite special
ops group? When Harkness gets on the phone,
who is he reporting to?
A few possible resolutions:
It could be that Jack Harkness
is running a con (once again),
pretending to be operating a
government agency that no longer
It could be that Harkness is in
effect a rogue element inside the Where does Torchwood get
government, continually exceeding funding? Is it working off
his authority whenever convienient. of government grants? Is
Harkness in the business of
But why delve into things selling alien artifacts?
like that when you can get
back to growling, hissing
monsters, and long scenes
of repetitious emoting?
A short list of watchable
The one with the memory
warping chameleon ("Adam")
"From Out of the Rain"
(the ghost circus)
The pair of 1940s episodes.