February 6, 2010
A small detail but it bothers me much:
When Torchwood charges into an unknown
situation, they all hold giant flashlights
up at shoulder level, in a back-hand grip.
Okay, so the directors apparently
love the look of the flashlghts
shining into the camera; and I
appreciate that it's a good thing
to have everyone go around acting
professional (for once)....
But would you go sneaking
around somewhere holding Every time you cheat a
a flashlight next to your little like this, every
head? A bit of a giveaway, time you opt-out on doing
don't you think? something imaginative in
favor of the familiar, it's
Haven't they ever heard a missed opportunity.
of night vision goggles?
They *could* have used
the logic of the
story, the logic of
the situations, to
push themselves into
new territory.
(And I'm sure they
still could've found
excuses for long
scenes of emoting.)