July 5, 2013
Cyclists in the San Francisco Bay Area
frequently recommend riding according
to the "Idaho Rules", rather than the
official bike laws in California which BIKE_SAFELY
often seem excessively restrictive.
California law largely just treats
bicycles as vehicles, and insist they
follow the same rules. Idaho law on the
other hand, allows cyclists treat red
lights as stop signs, and stop signs as
yield signs.
Cyclists argue that these are more appropriate
because cyclists are in a different position
than drivers: bikes are smaller, slower
vehicles that are less of a threat to others,
and in many respects more maneuverable than
cars, and additionally cyclists typically have
unimpeded vision and hearing compared to car
The Damn Crazy Cyclists that anti-bike
people like to complain about, typically
are not riding according to the Idaho
Since the official rules seem kind of
crazy for cyclists to follow, many
rely entirely on their own judgement,
and adopt a "whatever I can get away
with" style.
If you do try to ride that way,
however, the odds are good you're UNINTENDED
going to eventually screw-up,
perhaps screw-up badly.
And that, I think is an
important meta-rule:
There's a need to adopt some "rules",
some limitations, even when the
official ones are too restrictive
to take seriously in the absence
of draconian enforcement.
A need for guidelines
irrespective of law.