June 8, 2014
July 23, 2014
Dan Kahan has some research that shows
that people who say they "don't believe http://www.culturalcognition.net/blog/2014/5/24/weekend-update-youd-have-to-be-science-illiterate-to-think-b.html
in evolution" can often demonstrate a
solid understanding of it.
He takes it as greatly significant, and argues that
the statement "I don't believe in evolution" is
evidentally some sort of statement of cultural
identity. You can misinterpret this if you assume
that the people saying it are just too stupid to
grasp what they're saying.
It isn't entirely clear to me this result is
supposed to be a great revelation: it's not I guess it contradicts
exactly a Good Thing if you're willing to say the notion that the
something nonsensical for the sake of fitting in. global warming
controversy shows we
need better science
teaching-- they really
do get the science.
Or... they sort of do.
If they really got it,
would they be happy
saying things like
"I don't believe"?