June 8, 2014
July 23, 2014
I am about to complain about
Marxist jargon in Guy Debord.
Yes, stop the presses.
(Alert the twits?):
"Understood in its totality, the spectacle is
both the result and the project of present means
of production. It is not a mere supplement or
decoration added to the real world, it is the
heart of this real society's unreality."
Guy Debord, "The Society of the Spectacle" (1967)
translated Ken Knabb, published by the
Bureau of Public Secrets (2014),
No copyright.
I typically find the use of gratuitous
Marxist jargon like "means of production"
somewhat grating. The thought could be
rephrased in multiple ways without changing
it's meaning much: the use of the jargon Of course, consciously
seems to function mainly as a declaration avoiding the use of the term
of allegiance to a particular culture. "means of production" could
be taken as a similar
affectation, just directed
More problematic, I think, is the phrase toward the approval of a
"the result and the project"-- the different group.
project? The spectacle is the *goal*
of the "means of production"?
So then, a "means of production" is something
that can have goals, and is apparently at
least in part a social agency-- it is not
merely a collection of factory tools (as was It's important to use
intended in the original Marxist context, the right jargon, even
correct? "The workers should own the means if you use it to mean
of production."). something else.