August 31, 2012
More about a piece by H. Allen Orr in the New
York Review of Books on the problems with
Pinker's style of "evolutionary psychology": https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2003/02/27/darwinian-storytelling/
"Darwinian Storytelling" SLATE_GRAY
February 27, 2003
"As his book progresses it becomes clear that Pinker
is committed to a particular and strong strain of
psychology. It's not just that minds emerge from
neurons (no Ghost in the Machine). And it's not just
that some features of minds-- grammar, say-- are
genetically hardwired (no Blank Slate). It's that we Orr gives examples
can 'reverse engineer' the mind and the mental of Pinker's modules:
modules that allegedly make it up."
"... we as psychologists can infer the visual-perception
evolutionary 'purpose' of behaviors and mental cheater-detection
modules by studying when they come into play in
daily life and how they increase reproductive "Modules"? Much like
success. ... In short Pinker champions a Kahneman's "Systems"...
Darwinian psychology of human beings."
"Pinker's fondness for 'evolutionary psychology' will come as no
surprise to those who remember _How the Mind Works_. But it is
surprising to see how extreme he has become. Pinker seems never to
have met an adaptive tale he doesn't like. Rape is likely an adaptive
strategy pursued by low-status males who are 'alienated from a
community' and 'unable to win the consent of women.' A gene that
predisposes such males to rape will spread. Neonaticide, the killing
of newborns, reflects the evolutionary calculus of conflict between
parent and offspring. A gene that predisposes mothers to kill newborns
when times are tough, saving resources for reproduction when times are
better, will also spread. Weak armies may march suicidally into
bat-tle because of natural selection. Evolution favors bluffing in
confrontations (an opponent might, after all, back down) which in turn
favors some self-deception (you're a better liar if you believe your
own lie). Psychopaths may walk among us because of an esoteric
evolutionary phenomenon called frequency-dependent selection. A gene
that predisposes one to lie, cheat, and manipulate may enjoy an
advantage when rare (since most people are trusting and thus
vulnerable) but not when common. And so it goes. "
"Now there's no reason to think that Pinker's psychology-as-adaptive-tale
is inherently hopeless. A Darwinian approach to mind may be no more
impossible than a Darwinian approach to mammaries, and an
evolutionary psychology might well reveal something about human
nature. Indeed any or all of Pinker's adaptive tales could be true. But
there are grounds for worry. One is that, despite Pinker's confident tone,
the evidence for his stories varies wildly and some of his tales are sheer
speculation. There is, for example, little or no evidence that either
human neonaticide or self-deception is genetic. These cases are in fact
symptomatic of a serious problem with evolutionary psychology: its
research program shows a curious tendency to invert itself. You might
think that convincing evidence that a particular form of behavior is
inherited usually leads to attempts to explain how and why it evolved.
But often what happens is the reverse: the fact that we can conceive of
an adaptive tale about why a behavior should evolve becomes the chief
reason for suspecting it's genetic. Why, after all, does Pinker think
human neonaticide might be genetic? Where are the twin studies,
chromosome locations, and DNA sequences supporting such a claim?
The answer is we don't have any."
" ... evolutionary psychologists sometimes forget a hard truth: a
Darwinian story is not Mendelian evidence. A Darwinian story is a story.
And the accumulation of such stories has an important consequence.
The slate may seem to get less and less blank in part because
evolutionary psychologists keep scribbling more and more tales on it."