March 18, 2014
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu hardly needs
any introduction from me, at
this point.
Does she?
Strangely enough, the people I talk to HARAJUKU_FACE
often remain strangely ignorant of the
Kyary phenomena, despite the fact that You, uh, have heard of
she's the first real Harajuku fashion/ Harajuku fashion, right?
Kawaii idol breakthrough to become a You know, like "Fruits"?
world wide musical sensation.
(Whenever I get started
on this stuff it seems
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's music has a like there's *one more*
bouncy, catchy repetive quality thing I need to explain.)
to it like music boxes or carousels,
though at an even faster pace... J_MAZE
but her singing and performance style
is almost as deadpan as a ballerina,
which is something very unusual in
the kawaii/idol field, where cheerful
engaging smiles are almost required.
Fashion is where she began-- a teenage Kyary at 17:
street-star hanging out on the Harajuku scene,
picked up as a cover model by the magazine http://www.japanesestreets.com/photoblog/1226/harajuku-tokyo-kyary-pamyu-pamyu
Kera-- and her sense of fashion is perhaps the
most complex thing about her... the bright,
clashing colors and childish accessories that
are jammed together and somehow made to work,
that all might be regarded as normal for
Harajuku, the addition of darker elements that
don't seem dark for some reason, that's what
takes one into the Kyary zone: the skull
patterns that you don't notice at first, the WSJ_KYARY
nearly ubiquitous eyeball-motif (her special,
adopted symbol)...
Her stage performance in her 2014 tour --
Dangerbaby and I saw her at the Regency
Ballroom in SF this year:
Kyary's own movements while singing--
I get the sense that she's actually
singing, but couldn't tell you why--
are relatively minimal (perhaps,
The visual effect is filled-in by a
troupe of around 4 dancers, male dancers,
I believe, though they're small and slim
and dressed up in masks and children's
pajama's with a hint of breasts that
gives them a tremendously androgynous
appearence. Their dance moves are one of
the most creative things about her show,
they go leaping about energetically like
deranged monkeys with just a hint of
creepy menance underlying it all.
In the rear corners of the stage: two
piles of colorful, grossly oversized toys
dominated by an inflated teddy bear on
one side and a warped jack-in-the-box on
the other.
This is a good tie-in with her
famous video, the thing that
put her over in 2011:
This video was actually designed by Sebastian,
of the "6% Doki Doki" fashion line.
While trying to describe this phenomena to
a friend, he suggested that Sebastian is HARAJUKU_FACE
a new Malcolm Mclauren figure, and that
is perhaps not far off.
Dangerbaby and I happened to see the
"6% Doki Doki" stage show at the J-Pop (We were not quite cool
festival of a few years a go-- enough to know about Kyary
a uniform wall of brightly clashing Pamyu Pamyu before she
colors, a fine example of the Harajuku broke, but we were-- just
style: take the "poet's choice" six barely-- cool enough to
times over, push through Too Much know about Sebastian...
until it all starts to make sense It was an odd suprise to
again... realize that he was behind
her big video.)
Our connection in all of this
runs through "New People" and
Viz Media, and the J-Pop Summit event...