September 23, 2018

A pattern through-out much of the asian
romantic-comedies I've seen (mostly Japanese
and Korean) is that there's little doubt about     There's a difference
who the female lead is going to land with.         between television and
There are various hang-ups that slow down the      movies though, and if
progress of True Love, and it may not always       I'd seen more movies I
be love-at-first-sight (actually, there's a        might not feel this is
cliche about intense feelings being related,       such a universal
where hate transforms into love easily)--          syndrome.
there may even be some competitors on stage
for one side or the other to worry about-- but         LITTLE_BLACK_DRESS
there's no serious doubt about where the story
is going.

I theorize that this is connected to the
common obsession with virginity-- the male              AKB48
lead may have fooled around in the past,
but the female lead never-- if the woman's
affections wander from target A to target B
as she shops around, that makes her seem
uncomfortably slutty to much of the audience.

Even something like "The Philadelphia
Story" plot-- where a divorced woman                       SPOILERS
show serious interest in another man
before eventually remarrying her                  I have trouble conceiving
original husband-- would seem too racy            of anyone who might care
for Korean televison.                             being *unfamiliar* with
                                                  "The Philadelphia Story",
                                                  but that could be my lack
                                                  of imagination.
