August 28, 2013

                                 "America's Real Criminal Element: Lead"
                                 Mother Jones, Jan/Feb 2013

  There's a theory going
  around that the main           "Crime Is at its Lowest Level in 50 Years.
  source of the violent          A Simple Molecule May Be the Reason Why."
  crime wave of 60s              Jan. 3, 2013
  through 90s has been           http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2013/01/lead-crime-connection
  lead exposure.

  Kevin Drum at Mother Jones
  has done a fair job of
  laying out this thesis,
  explaining how it           Yes "correlation doesn't prove
  essentially correlates      causation", but absence of
  much better than the        correlation *does* disprove it.   (Or goes a long
  competing theories.                                           way toward
                                           And it isn't         disproving it.)
      Wherever lead gas was banned         a *single*
      blood levels of lead started         correlation,
      declining, and 20 years              but multiple
      later, violent crime came            ones from
      down with the lead.                  different
                                           places and
          (This is something that          times.
          bears repeating if
          you're someone who uses
          the TV screen as primary        Kevin Drum summarizes:
          lens: violent crime is
          down.  It is down.  It          "We now have a huge amount of
          has decreased.  Got             evidence linking lead to violent
          that?)                          crime. We have evidence not just
                                          at the national level, but also
                                          at the state level, the city
                                          level, and the international
                                          level. We have longitudinal
           Drum also makes the            studies that track children from
           point that he's not            birth to adulthood to find out if
           positing a single              higher blood lead levels lead to
           factor explanation             more arrests for violent
           for all crime--                crimes. ... Everything we
           he is suggesting               now know about the effects of
           that lead is the               lead on the brain tells us that
           one factor explaning           even moderately high levels of
           the rise in crime              lead exposure are associated with
           in the 60s, and the            aggressivity, impulsivity, ADHD,
           drop in the 70s.               and lower IQ."

                                                A follow-up story discusses
                                                some of the international data,
                                                looking at drops in murder
                                                rates in different places in
                                                South America.

                                                 "Why Is Murder Down in São
                                                 Paulo? The Answer is..."
                                                 Kevin Drum, Aug. 2, 2013


                                           "Falling crime
                                            Where have all the burglars gone?"
                                            July 20, 2013
   A recent story in The Economist on
   the subject of violent crime            http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21582041-rich-world-seeing-less-and-less-crime-even-face-high-unemployment-and-economic
   comments on the lead theory
   dismissively in passing: "the
   causal link is far from proven".      They attribute the lead theory
                                         to Jessica Wolpaw Reyes.  This
                                         is just one of a number of
                                         researchers that Kevin Drum
                                         sites... and then they don't
                                         mention Kevin Drum at all.
                                         (The Economist does *not*
   It waxes enthusiastic                 read Mother Jones.)
   about various other
   theories: e.g. cops
   are better at locking     (And everyone else).
   up bad guys.              (Among the non-rich.)

   Or alternately (attributed to
   criminologist Jan van Dijk),
   it's because of credit cards
   and ATM machines: no one
   carries cash any more, so
   there's no reason for any of
   us Rational Actors to mug

      Needless to say, the
      causal links haven't been
      exactly proved on these
      theories either, but they
      have the virtue of not
      admitting that consumer
      protections laws are good
      for something.

         Or that environmentalism

                A few things about this
                are of interest: if you
                ask a question like
                "what can we do about
                urban crime?". The
                first thing to try may
                be to continue to clean         And if you run into
                things up.                      some guy with fancy
                                                theories about how
                                                it's all the fault
                                                of gangsta rap
                                                corrupting black
                                                youth, you want to
                                                step back and ask
                                                for more data.

