March 19, 2009     
There's a real problem with                                            
outbreaks of violence at
events featuring hiphop music.

  The standard Bay Guardian line
  is that the police are pushing       This is essentially
  for an unjustifiable (and            true.  Further, the
  probably unconstitutional) ban       police don't make much
  on hiphop events.                    secret of the fact that    This is one
                                       they don't like to hear    of those
  What the Bay Guardian does           about people doing         cases where
  not explain is that if you do        hip-hop events.            I'd be
  a hiphop-oriented event,                                        reassured by
  you're almost guaranteed to                                     a little more
  have fights breaking out by                                     hypocrisy.
  the end of the night.
                                                                  They clearly
    Even if you *weren't* worried                                 don't expect
    about getting in bad with the                                 to get any
    police, very few people would be                              heat for this
    happy with organizing events                                  "musical
    that are almost guaranteed to                                 profiling".
    end in violence.

    It is also true that the problem
    seems to be much worse at the
    hip-hop events where the audience
    is largely black people...

    That's based on our experience running      There was a hip-hop place
    events at cellspace, and the experience     down the street from
    of the security guards we work with,        cellspace that had a weekend
    not to mention commentary by police.        routine of calling in the
                                                cops to break up fights.
    That may seem like a gross over-            That was actually a problem
    generalization, and I don't blame           for us: it made our
    you.  It would be good to have some         neighborhood numbers look
    independent stats, but I don't know         bad, and we needed to get
    where to get them for you.                  the cops to dig into the
                                                paperwork more closely to
                                                see what was going on.
        I'm taking the risk of offending 
        people-- and leaving myself open
        to charges of racism-- 
        because I think that unwillingness
        to talk about these subjects can           Racism is not by any means
        be dangerous.                              dead when it's been
                                                   forced into hiding.
               What if I'm completely         
               wrong in my perceptions               22_FILLMORE
               here?  I could be
               generalizing from too
               small a range of
               experience, I could be
               confused by anecdotal
               evidence, I could have,            It's really easy to
               in spite of myself,                think you're one of
               bought into media images           the enlightened good
               or gangsta rap myths.              guys and still be
                                                  out to lunch.
               If I've stumbled into some
               error like this, I'm not                LEAD_DOWN
               going to get any correction
               by staying silent.
       And alternately, if my
       perception of the
       problems with hiphop/
       black events *is* correct,        This is a problem that
       then what's going on?             correlates with "race",
                                         but unlike a lot of people
       What can we do to work            I don't think that "race"
       through these problems?           has much to do with biology.
                                         What I think we've got here is a
                                         problem with roots that are strictly
                                         "social".  Myself, I think the
                                         trouble is that black kids have been
                                         sold a bill of goods about
           And actually, now that        "blackness" and what it means to be
           Sydney Poitier is             authentically black.  They feel like
           president, we might           they're not standing up for their
           see some improvement          rights if they don't live up to a
           on this front...              particular stereotype of how black
                                         people are supposed to behave.
                                                  But then I wouldn't
                                                  want to minimize the
                                                  problems of racism
         By the way:                              (and, if you like
         Throughout here                          "classism") that
         I'm talking about                        hang over the heads
         a set of people                          of kids growing up
         who are both                             poor and black:
         poor and black.
                                                     There are reason
         You *do* know that                          they're suckers for
         this doesn't mean                           the idea that they're
         that the two always                         supposed to be
         go together, right?                         "rough", "crude",
         *Most* people who are
         poor are not black.                         These are things
         And there are certainly                     that are easy to be...
         black people who are
         not poor.                                      When you don't
                                                        think you can
                                                        make it very far
                                                        up, then at least
                                                        you can compete
                                                        to see how low
                                                        down you can get.
  Paris, "Days of Old" (1992):
  Another sad case of the black-on-black.
  It's a fact, some of our people don't know how to act:
  Can't go to the club, can't go to the store,
  Can't chill with your girl, can't go to the show,
  Can't do anything without some fool acting up
  You start to believe that black folk are savage but
  before you do, allow me to say,
  that in the old days we didn't act that way...          Don't you hate it
                                                          when some white
  Kings and Queens were the names of the righteous        jerk quotes a black
  but the sons of slaves are insane and we might just     person's criticism
  self-destruct and erupt without a chance to grow        of black culture?
  This ain't the days of old.
                                                          Spike Lee's "Do the
                                                          Right Thing" was
                                                          awfully popular with
                                                          white conservatives.
