June 29, 2021
Improve the name, eh?
When Netanyahu was stirring the shit
in a desperate attempt at drumming up
some political support-- there's little
serious doubt that's what he was up to,
whatever people like to pretend-- he
came up with the rather heavy-handed move
of raiding mosques in Israel during
Israel responded to the inevitable
rockets from Gaza with it's usual
ten-fold plus damage.
David Leonhardt provided us with a lengthy
analysis of the situation where he traced I like to suggest
the outbreak of war to rockets from Gaza. that people consider
He made no mention of the attacks on mosques. how many churches
they would watch
"The current conflict did not invaded at Christmas
escalate into something before they would
approaching war until shortly start thinking about
after 6 p.m. last indulging in some
Monday. That's when Hamas "terrorism".
launched missile attacks on
Jerusalem's civilians."
Oh, I see, he "provided context" in his
first sentence with a link to another
"The latest conflict between
Israelis and Palestinians had Those "specific sparks":
its own specific sparks."
"Twenty-seven days before the
first rocket was fired from
Gaza this week, a squad of
Israeli police officers
entered the Aqsa Mosque in
Jerusalem ... "
Reading through this Leonhardt piece,
it's pretty clearly a mess of anti-
palestinian/pro-Israel bias--
or rather its clear *if* you're someone "Hamas, which is backed by Iran,
whose learned to see it. has now fired at least 3,350
missiles toward Israel."
A typical American who hasn't thought
about this much and would rather not
have to think about it is unlikely to
notice the problems--
And taking the trouble to point all of them out
one at a time is a mugs game: you'd either think
it's obvious already, or you'll think I'm
overreaching and displaying my own biases.
"But just as important as those sparks
is a larger reality: Both sides in the
conflict are led by people who are I would say the "larger
relatively uninterested in compromise." reality" is the fact that
Israel is an invading,
There we go, it's time for a game occupying country.
of "both sides".
And expecting someone to
compromise with a thief is
classic (always give a
pick-pocket half of your
wallet or you're just being
There's plenty of other
goldie oldies here too,
like the old "human
shields" bit. We've gotta
kill those civilians,
there's bad guys right next
to them.