April 1, 2013
In high school, I had an elective class in
General Semantics, titled "The Nature of EXCEPTION
Language" (after the text by Hiyakawa).
One day, the instructor sent us home
with two hand-outs, one a listing of
the classic logical fallacies, the
other an essay arguing against over The argument against curse
use of "curse words". They were words was that they should
apparently paired only by coincidence, be reserved for release in
and there was no assignment involving moments of extreme emotion.
them except "read these". This relied a lot on the
"pressure cooker" analogy
Looking them over, I became of the human mind.
suspicious of the pairing of
the two. It wasn't at all A better, if not entirely
hard to go through the essay satisfactory argument is that
on curse words and circle the it's useful to keep your
logical fallacies. behavior bland to expand the
range of people you deal with
Maybe we were supposed to do this? without offending for trivial
This could have been a bit of reasons.
creative teaching, proding us to
think for ourselves. MASKS
I bumped into the instructor in the hall,
and asked him about this: was this what he
was getting at? He essentially denied it.
I filed this away as an example of human
blindspots: he was apparently unable to
see the problems with an argument that
he liked, even though he should really know
Looking back on it, it's
possible to take it either way:
While he was the kind of guy who might
very well have regarded it as important
to convince a bunch of 70s-era Long
Island kids that they shouldn't go around
saying "fuck you" all the time...
He was also a pretty good teacher, energetic
and engaged with the material: he might very
well have thought that this trick was a good
idea, and that the trick would work better if
he maintained a straight face, and denied