September 18, 2012

In their book "It's Even Worse Than It Looks",
Mann and Ornstein argue (in passing) that         LONG_SHOT
Lessig has gone off in the wrong direction...

They claim that we're seeing a paralysis
induced by ideology, not just money.

M&O also suggest that we need faster fixes
than Lessig's Constitutional Convention.

   I'd argue that Mann and Ornstein exaggerate
   the authenticity of the tea party: for an
   "ideological revolution" it's an extremely
   well-funded and well-connected one.

   But then, part of the channel the money
   has been flowing through is media
   ownership: that's one of the many things
   that campaign finance reform only
   influences indirectly, and if you can't          THE_BIG_KNOT
   do something to open up the communications
   channels, that may shoot down what little
   hope there is for any other fix (Lessig's
   constitutional convention or otherwise).

           I'm in complete agreement with
           M&O that we could use something

           My great hope is a democratic
           sweep in 2012 followed by a       Weirdly enough, M&O
           decision to modify the rules      *mention* the filibuster,
           the sentate operates on: the      but only mention it, it
           fillibuster goes away, the        doesn't make their list of
           paralysis disappears, and         recommendations...
           then we're on our way.
           Maybe.                            But vauge generalities about
                                             broadening the electorate, that
             All we need then is             does make their list.
             some Democrats with
             backbone, and a                   And campaign finance reform
             willingness to fix                also makes their list, so
             underlying problems,              why were they shrugging off
             without tossing their             Lessig?
             advantage away in an
             attempt at bipartisian                (It could be these two
             compromise.                           authors have trouble
                                                   speaking with one voice.)
                 (What's one more
                 disappointment, eh?)

   And after all,
   really, it's worse
   than you think.

   But then, you knew that.
